Web API v2 Quickstart Guide

A step by step guide to help facilitate integration with the Hawthorne Web API.

For more detailed documentation regarding available API methods, please see our full documentation here.

Note: The following guide is for version 2 of the Hawthorne Web API.


Working with our API requires a basic understanding of web development, REST services and HTTP methods. In order to take full advantage of the options provided by the API, custom develpment work is highly recommended.

In addition, the following resources will be needed to execute any of the example calls at the end of the guide:


The Hawthorne API uses the OAuth 2.0 standard to authenticate. In order to send or receive data from the API, you must first generate a Bearer Token that will be used in subsequent calls.

Bearer Token

In order to generate a token, you will need your Key and Secret credentials. Once obtained, you can generate a new token at any time using the following request body:

    "client_id": "{Key}",
    "client_secret": "{Secret}",
    "grant_type": "client_credentials"

The token will be provided in the response and is valid for all subsequent calls until expired.

A full example is available in the Examples section below.

Token Expiration

Only one token per user can be active at a time. If at any point a new token is generated, all previous tokens for that user are invalid and will not allow the client to authenticate.

Tokens expire after 1 hour. Once expired, a new token will need to be generated in order to successfully authenticate. Tokens may be generated at any time, so there is no need to wait until your current token has expired if you wish to create a new one.

Request Basics

Request Reference Id

Regardless of HTTP type or endpoint, every request to the API accepts an optional ReferenceId parameter. This parameter should be supplied as a GUID and is used to reference individual calls based on the client supplied value.

This is especially useful when debugging, as it allows the Hawthorne Web Team to easily identify the lifecycle of any given call and cross reference with the client's own logs.

While not required, supplying a ReferenceId is highly recommended.

Request Structure

The Hawthorne Web API uses 2 request types for REST requests, each of which have their own structure.


GET requests utilize query parameters to specify which data should be returned. Their structure is as follows:


A full example is available in the Examples section below.


POST requests utilize the request body to specify the data supplied. Request data should be supplied in a raw JSON format. Their structure is as follows:

    "ReferenceId": "GUID",
    "StringParameter": "value",
    "IntegerParameter": 1,
    "ObjectParameter": {}

A full example is available in the Examples section below.

Response Basics

Response Structure

Unlike requests, all responses share the same structure, regardless of HTTP request type.

Each response also includes a series of common properties alongside the call-specific data returned.

Common Properties

Each response from the API includes data specific to the request, result and performance:

    "Success": boolean,
    "ResponseId": guid,
    "ReferenceId": guid,
    "SuccessCount": integer,
    "Message": string,
    "ValidationResults": {
        "IsValid": boolean,
        "Errors": [
                "FieldName": string,
                "FieldValue": string,
                "Allow": boolean,
                "Message": string,
                "Severity": string,
                "Category": enum
        "Warnings": [
                "FieldName": string,
                "FieldValue": string,
                "Allow": boolean,
                "Message": string,
                "Severity": string,
                "Category": enum
        "Info": [
                "FieldName": string,
                "FieldValue": string,
                "Allow": boolean,
                "Message": string,
                "Severity": string,
                "Category": enum
    "QueryTime": string

For more details, please see our full documentation here. The response examples can be found under the "Responses" section of each call.

Request Specific Data

In addition to the common properties above, each response also includes data relevant to the specific request that was made. This data can be found nested under the "Data" object in the response.

    "Data": {

For more details, please see our full documentation here. The response examples can be found under the "Responses" section of each call. Clicking on the "Data" property in the object tree will show the properties specific to each request.

Additional Resources

The following resources may be helpful when getting started with your API integration

Third Party Applications


The following code snippets can be used as boilerplate for implementing calls to the API. For the sake of brevity, we are only utilizing the /Part/Details request. For more detailed information on which parameters to supply for toher calls, please see our full documentation here.

Postman Collection

To get started using Postman, you can download the collection of web API calls from here.

.NET (RestSharp)

public class TokenResponse
    public string access_token { get; set; }
    public string token_type { get; set; }
    public int expires_in { get; set; }
public string GenerateToken()
    var client = new RestClient("https://services.hawthornegc.com/v2/token");
    var request = new RestRequest();

    request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    request.AddParameter("client_id", "{APIKey}");
    request.AddParameter("client_secret", "{APISecret}");
    request.AddParameter("grant_type", "client_credentials");
    var response = client.Post(request);
    var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(response.Content, new JsonSerializerOptions
        PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true

    return result.access_token;

public string GetPartDetails()
    //Generate a new token - Only do this if you haven't generated one yet, or the previous token used is expired
    var token = GenerateToken();
    var client = new RestClient("https://services.hawthornegc.com/v2/Part/Details");
    client.Authenticator = new OAuth2AuthorizationRequestHeaderAuthenticator(token, "Bearer");

    var request = new RestRequest();
    request.AddParameter("PartId", "HGC749300");
    request.AddParameter("PartType", "Standard");
    request.AddParameter("DealerPricing", true);
    request.AddParameter("AllWarehouses", true);
    request.AddParameter("IncludeUnavailable", false);
    var response = client.Get(request);

    return JsonSerializer.Serialize(response.Content);


function GenerateToken() {
    $tokenCurl = curl_init();

    curl_setopt_array($tokenCurl, array(
        CURLOPT_URL => 'https://services.hawthornegc.com/v2/token',
        CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',
        CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'client_id={APIKey}&client_secret={APISecret}&grant_type=client_credentials',
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
        'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

    $tokenResponse = curl_exec($tokenCurl);

    return $tokenResponse.access_token;

$token = GenerateToken();

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => 'https://services.hawthornegc.com/v2/Part/Details?PartId=HGC749300&PartType=Standard&DealerPricing=true&AllWarehouses=true&IncludeUnavailable=false',
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $token)

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

Python (http.client)

import http.client

def generate_token():
	tokenConn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("services.hawthornegc.com")
	payload = 'client_id={APIKey}&client_secret={APISecret}&grant_type=client_credentials'
	headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
	conn.request("GET", "/v2/token", payload, headers)
	res = conn.getresponse()
	data = res.read()
	return data

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("services.hawthornegc.com")
token = generate_token()
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
conn.request("GET", "/v2/Part/Details?PartId=HGC749300&PartType=Standard&DealerPricing=true&AllWarehouses=true&IncludeUnavailable=false", '', headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()


For any languages not listed here, Postman offers functionality to convert a call into the given framework. Further documentation on that can be found here.